Twilight Gurls: We Are Twi-Tarded!

Kristen Stewart’s Birthday

In Cast, Celebrities, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Twilight on April 9, 2009 at 12:33 am

Kristen Stewart’s 19th birthday is tomorrow, April 9th.


She’ll be spending it on the New Moon set, just like her 18th was spent.

Happy Birthday Kristen from Twilight Gurls! We hope you have a great one.

Kristen has also been around the Internet lately, with her new Twitter and MySpace, updating her fans on what she’s doing at the moment. Robert has a Twitter as well, but most aren’t sure if it is actually him.

Would Rob or Kristen actually have time for social networking? I don’t even have time for it! We’re pretty positive it’s Kristen’s official MySpace and Twitter, but sorry girls, “therobpattinson” is probably not him.

Entry by: twigurlsavannah

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